[Users] [Engine-devel] Polling vs Pushing engine events

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Tue Dec 17 03:18:12 EST 2013

On 12/17/2013 03:08 AM, Sven Kieske wrote:
> Hi,
> we got the following problem:
> we create / start / stop
> hole vms /data centers / storage etc
> (basically: everything ovirt can handle
> via REST-API)
> But if you want to know e.g. the status
> of a vm (or anything) you need to constantly
> poll the API.
> This is not what we desire to do, as it
> does not scale very well (e.g. polling
> 100 vms).

well, you can search events since last event you searched for, only for 
the specific type of event you are interested in, then check which vm 
its for.

> Is there a standardized way of pushing information
> from the engine?

well, the notification service which sends emails on these actually 
polls for them every minute in order to send the emails.

we are discussing snmptraps here[1]
one of the options this could be implemented with is via log4j getting 
all the audit log events, then you could use any log4j appender (db 
table, jms queue, etc.)

[1] Bug 1032661 - Add SNMP trap as notification method to to 

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