[Users] Excessive syslog logging from vdsm/sampling.py

Sander Grendelman sander at grendelman.com
Wed Dec 18 10:32:01 EST 2013

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Nir Soffer <nsoffer at redhat.com> wrote:
> Well in node1.log, we have 7687 errors:
> $ grep 'has no attribute' vdsm-node1.log | wc -l
> 7687
> But no such errors in vdsm-node2.log:
> $ grep 'has no attribute' vdsm-node2.log | wc -l
> 0
> Can you explain what is the difference between node1.log and node2.log?
Two different ovirt nodes (node 1 = gnkvm01, node 2 = gnkvm02).

Configuration should be identical.
Node 1 was put in maintenance before vdsm restart.
Node 2 vdsmd was restarted without maintenance (with one running testvm).

> Can you send before and after log files, or point to the time in the log where you started the version with the patch?

On node1 vdsmd was restarted at 13:33
On node2 vdsmd was restarted at 13:49

I've don't have vdsm logfiles from before the problem was observed,
only syslog files.

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