[Users] Discussion... work appears to be needed in areas of recovery and cleanup

Alex Lourie alourie at redhat.com
Tue Feb 19 05:55:44 EST 2013

On 02/14/2013 03:35 PM, Rick Beldin wrote:
> Hi...
> I've been working with both RHEV and Ovirt and can see distinct changes
> and improvements with regards to how Ovirt is emerging and changing.
> One area that still disturbs me is in the area of recovery and cleanup,
> specifically around the ovirt-engine (rhevm) node.
> I've observed a few things about the project:
> - backup of a engine db seems to be a fairly manual process
>    with many steps.  There are many files listed that need to be backed
>    up manually as listed in the RHEVM admin manual. pg_dump seems to
>    automate the dumping of the db, but other config files are left up
>    to the admin.
> - restoration appears to be equally complex
> - engine-cleanup (rhevm-cleanup) doesn't always cleanup
> - there appear to be instances where the only way to get a solid base
>    is reinstallation.  I've removed and reinstalled components so many
>    times it is now second nature.  ;)
> I'm curious about:
> - Are there technical issues (beyond the code not being written yet) that
>    prevent backup and restore procedures from working correctly to save
>    and restore an engine environment?   I would expect that a test for
>    that operation would be to setup an environment, take a snapshot,
>    and restore the whole thing to another management node.
> - Are all the config files properly identified?  The RHEVM Admin
>    manual has an extensive list but is it exhaustive?
> - What technically prevents engine-cleanup from really *cleaning*
>    a system?  My expectation would be that I should be able to run
>    engine-cleanup and completely wipe out the setup.  All databases,
>    certs, config files and the like returned to their original,
>    pristine state.   Perhaps another script - engine-restore-defaults? -
>    needs to go beyond where engine-cleanup goes today?
> As a support professional, these are areas that I think warrant
> investment and I wonder what is gating the development here.
> Thanks,
> Rick
Hey Rick!

Firstly, thanks for the time and effort you have put into this, it is 
really appreciated.

Secondly, I created wiki page [1] with the set of requirements for such 
utility/feature that you discussed here, this would help in developing 
it. Please feel free to comment/provide feedback.

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Backup_And_Restore_Engine


Best regards,

Alex Lourie
Software Developer in Integration
Red Hat

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