[Users] struggling with virt-v2v

Jonathan Horne jhorne at skopos.us
Tue Feb 19 11:31:51 EST 2013

I am still struggling with virt v2v to try to import a .ova file into my ovirt domain.

I have a fedora 18 manager and fedora 18 node.  I installed virt-v2v on the manager using yum.  Based on what I google, when you issue the command virt-v2v -list-profiles you probably should not get:

[root at ovirtmgr home]# virt-v2v --list-profiles
Defined target profiles:


I see several profiles listed in the /etc/virt-v2v.conf file, they don't seem to be recognized even if I -f /etc/virt-v2v.conf in my commands as well.   If I go ahead and blindly attempt to import it anyway, I get an error like this:

[root at ovirtmgr home]# virt-v2v -i ova -osd --network ovirtmgmt ws08-srv-3.ova
virt-v2v: Failed to connect to qemu:///system: libvirt error code: 38, message: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory

there is no libvirt on the manager whatsoever, so im not sure where to go or even what direction im facing here.

Can someone straighten me out and get me back on the right path ?


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