[Users] rebuild of src.rpm not "self contained"?

Juan Hernandez jhernand at redhat.com
Thu Feb 28 12:28:08 EST 2013

On 02/28/2013 06:20 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Juan Hernandez  wrote:
>> The way to build the RPM is as you did.
> Thanks Juan for your very detailed explanation!
> So I also installed redhat-rpm-config and a new rpmbuild generated the
> .pyc and .pyo files too
> And I was able to update engine and verify solution of bug of clone
> from snapshot with this build (and missing disk and nic info for
> snapshots in details pane)
> I notice only these "ERROR" messages in output of build phase, I don't
> know if they are important or not:

These errors are not important, in fact they are information messages 
sent to System.err (the Java name for stderr) by the AspectJ weaver. 
Maven takes them and assumes that then are ERROR messages, but they 
aren't. You can safely ignore them.

> Downloaded: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/jakarta-regexp/jakarta-regexp/1.4/jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar
> (28 KB at 348.8 KB/sec)
> [INFO] auto discovered modules [org.ovirt.engine.ui.webadmin.WebAdmin]
> [WARNING] Don't declare gwt-dev as a project dependency. This may
> introduce complex dependency conflicts
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info AspectJ Weaver Version 1.6.11
> built on Tuesday Mar 15, 2011 at 15:31:04 GMT
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info register classloader
> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader at 2827f394
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info using configuration
> file:/home/g.cecchi/rpmbuild/BUILD/ovirt-engine-3.2.0/frontend/webadmin/modules/gwt-extension/target/gwt-extension-3.2.0.jar!/META-INF/aop.xml
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info using configuration
> file:/home/g.cecchi/rpmbuild/BUILD/ovirt-engine-3.2.0/frontend/webadmin/modules/gwt-extension/target/gwt-extension-3.2.0-sources.jar!/META-INF/aop.xml
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info register aspect
> org.ovirt.engine.ui.gwtextension.DontPrune
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info register aspect
> org.ovirt.engine.ui.gwtextension.DontPrune
> [ERROR] Feb 28, 2013 4:05:40 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run
> [ERROR] INFO: Created user preferences directory.
> [INFO] Compiling module org.ovirt.engine.ui.webadmin.WebAdmin
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] warning javax.* types are not being
> woven because the weaver option '-Xset:weaveJavaxPackages=true' has
> not been specified
> [INFO]    Scanning for additional dependencies:
> file:/home/g.cecchi/rpmbuild/BUILD/ovirt-engine-3.2.0/frontend/webadmin/modules/webadmin/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/ui/webadmin/section/main/view/tab/pool/SubTabPoolGeneralView.java
> [INFO]       Computing all possible rebind results for
> 'org.ovirt.engine.ui.webadmin.section.main.view.tab.pool.SubTabPoolGeneralView.ViewUiBinder'
> ...
> [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test (default-test) @ userportal ---
> [INFO] Tests are skipped.
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:2.3.0-1:compile (gwtcompile) @ userportal ---
> [INFO] auto discovered modules [org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.UserPortal]
> [WARNING] Don't declare gwt-dev as a project dependency. This may
> introduce complex dependency conflicts
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info AspectJ Weaver Version 1.6.11
> built on Tuesday Mar 15, 2011 at 15:31:04 GMT
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info register classloader
> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader at 2827f394
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info using configuration
> file:/home/g.cecchi/rpmbuild/BUILD/ovirt-engine-3.2.0/frontend/webadmin/modules/gwt-extension/target/gwt-extension-3.2.0.jar!/META-INF/aop.xml
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info using configuration
> file:/home/g.cecchi/rpmbuild/BUILD/ovirt-engine-3.2.0/frontend/webadmin/modules/gwt-extension/target/gwt-extension-3.2.0-sources.jar!/META-INF/aop.xml
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info register aspect
> org.ovirt.engine.ui.gwtextension.DontPrune
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] info register aspect
> org.ovirt.engine.ui.gwtextension.DontPrune
> [INFO] Compiling module org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.UserPortal
> [ERROR] [AppClassLoader at 2827f394] warning javax.* types are not being
> woven because the weaver option '-Xset:weaveJavaxPackages=true' has
> not been specified
> [INFO]    Scanning for additional dependencies:
> /home/g.cecchi/rpmbuild/BUILD/ovirt-engine-3.2.0/frontend/webadmin/modules/userportal-gwtp/gen/org/ovirt/engine/ui/userportal/gin/ClientGinjectorImpl.java
> [INFO]       Computing all possible rebind results for
> 'org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.ApplicationTemplates'
> [INFO]          Rebinding org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.ApplicationTemplates
> [INFO]             Invoking generator
> com.google.gwt.safehtml.rebind.SafeHtmlTemplatesGenerator
> ...
> Thanks again for the infos.
> I had the time to learn something on maven, that I absolutely didn't
> use until today:
> - proxy set up
> $ cat .m2/settings.xml
> <settings>
>    <proxies>
>     <proxy>
>        <active>true</active>
>        <protocol>http</protocol>
>        <host>my.proxy.server</host>
>        <port>8080</port>
>      </proxy>
>    </proxies>
> </settings>
> - resize permgen of java process
> (on my @home physical PC with 6Gb of ram and engine started it gave no
> error, while on a similar VM also configuring 6Gb of ram and stopping
> ovirt-engine gave error about exausted resources during the build....)
> I solved with
> export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m"
> before the build

Yes, maven and the GWT compiler are quite resource greedy.

> ;-)
> Gianluca

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