[Users] oVirt Node (HyperVisor) - Memory Usage

Doron Fediuck dfediuck at redhat.com
Fri Jan 11 05:38:21 EST 2013

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Leonhardt [alex.tuxx at gmail.com]
Received: Friday, 11 Jan 2013, 11:28
To: oVirt Mailing List [users at ovirt.org]
Subject: [Users] oVirt Node (HyperVisor) - Memory Usage

Hi All,

I've just had a little check on a hyper-visor (based on Centos 6.3)

VDSM versions:

vdsm.x86_64           4.10.0-0.44.14.el6
vdsm-cli.noarch       4.10.0-0.44.14.el6
vdsm-python.x86_64    4.10.0-0.44.14.el6
vdsm-xmlrpc.noarch    4.10.0-0.44.14.el6

BUT - my concern is more that a VMs virtual memory (VSZ) allocation is much
higher than that of its configuration ?

qemu     24233 11.0  1.0 *3030420* 1008484 ?     Sl    2012 2189:02
/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -S -M rhel6.3.0 -cpu Conroe -enable-kvm *-m
2048*-smp 4,sockets=1,cores=4,threads=1 -name



| RHCE | Senior Systems Engineer | www.vcore.co | www.vsearchcloud.com |

What usage do you see and what did you configure? 

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