[Users] Network reconfiguration in ovirt 3.1

Dan Kenigsberg danken at redhat.com
Tue Jan 15 04:37:47 EST 2013

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 01:36:04PM +0200, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 12/27/2012 03:48 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> ...
> >On the other hand, we need to define the management network when a host
> >is added to the setup, and nagging for confirmation for each of them may
> >lead us to the blind baboon acking syndrome.
> >
> >Since I'd like to normalize the way ovirtmgmt is created, and make it
> >more like other networks, I've written up
> >http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Normalized_ovirtmgmt_Initialization
> >
> >If the Add Host dialog had a checkbox saying "define ovirtmgmt network
> >automatically", would it satisfy you? (any other comment to that feature
> >page is welcome).
> 1. in general, I like it. iiuc, you don't really need the management
> network for normal work (engine would connect to host by its fqdn/ip
> by default). if you do want to set a vlan/bond/SLA/roles/etc - then
> you just configure it.

Who is "you" in "you just configure it"?

Currently we let Engine configure all about ovirtmgmt (though persisting
it afterwards may require out-of-band involvment). Do you suggest that
we should drop this completely?

The management network *is* the persistent configuration required for
Engine/Vdsm connectivity. We have to persist vlan id, ip address, mtu,
bonding options, nic identity and probably other stuff. This "stuff" is
aggregated into the "management network" concept. Even if we loose
ovirtmgmt, I'd expect that we'd have to continue managing the "stuff"
behind it.

> 2. need to see how to preserve backward compatibility - i.e.,
> bootstrap will probably need to handle this for older engines.

older engine would continue to use the old initialization process,
which includes passing VDSM/managementBridgeName = ovirtmgmt to otopi
(or use vds_bootsrap). Nothing changes in that front.

> 3. iirc, in ovirt-node the bridge is created prior to bootstrap,
> which wouldn't be needed any more.

Yes, this is another place where we could normalize the process.


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