[Users] Storage domain weirdness (or design)

Alex Leonhardt alex.tuxx at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 15:04:40 EST 2013


Yes i can choose the storage domain, but I cannot force the host that is 
to be used for creating it. Even with 1Gbit network, creating a 80GB 
disk / 40 GB disk is still significantly longer process than actually 
required when doing a "dd" of /dev/null over the network.

Is it possible to manually change who is SPM master, create the 
disks/VMs required, and change it back ? How would that change affect 
the running VMs / would they try to migrate to the other HV ?


On 01/17/2013 07:39 PM, Maor Lipchuk wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> The storage domains are part of the Data Center, and should not be
> related to clusters.
> Clusters are used for migrating VMs, which are the qemu processes,
> between hosts.
> Disks are created on the storage domains regardless to clusters.
> The host which write the data in the storage domain to create the disk
> is the SPM.
> You should have only one SPM in each Data Center (You can spot which
> host is your SPM by looking at the SPM column in the hosts tab)
> When you create a disk you should be able to choose the storage domain
> which you want the disk to be created on.
> Regards,
> Maor
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