[Users] Settings lost after node reboot

Nicolas Ecarnot nicolas at ecarnot.net
Fri Jan 18 06:35:13 EST 2013


Migration failed due to a lack of an iptables rules about tls
> # libvirt tls
> -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 16514 -j ACCEPT

I added it in /etc/sysconfig/iptables and migration worked.

After a reboot, this rule is lost, as well as some setting I added in /etc.

I see the the nodes have very specific mouting strategies, and/or read 
only architecture.

I'm not sure I want to become an expert about why and how it's done, but 
I'd be glad if someone just tells me where I have to write my settings 
in order them to resist node reboot?

Thank you.

Nicolas Ecarnot

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