[Users] Change locale for VNC console

Adrian Gibanel adrian.gibanel at btactic.com
Sat Jan 19 09:19:58 EST 2013

Salut Nicolas, 

Can you run: 

rpm -qa | grep ovirt 

so that we know which ovirt version you're using? 

Another user also reported that it had to reboot but I think that finally he managed to check only restarting ovirt-engine was enough. 

The question is: Did you connect to already running virtual machines? Or to new ones? 

I think that you cannot change locales on already running virtual machines. 

If they were new ones I ask myself if apart from restarting ovirt-engine one needs to logout and login again to the manager. Although I wouldn't bet on that. 

Anyone else have some thoughts on this? 

My packages: 


Anyways, I'm glad the article was helpful for you. 

----- Mensaje original -----

> De: "Nicolas Ecarnot" <nicolas at ecarnot.net>
> Para: users at ovirt.org
> Enviados: Sábado, 19 de Enero 2013 13:29:42
> Asunto: Re: [Users] Change locale for VNC console

> Le 18/01/2013 17:09, Adrian Gibanel a écrit :
> > Thank you both.
> >
> > Made an article:
> > http://www.ovirt.org/User:Adrian15/Setting_VNC_locale .
> >
> > Now I'm going to try it but I'm pretty sure it will work at the
> > first time.

> Hi Adrian,

> I followed your hints, but though your command line did return no
> error,
> I was forced in the end to reboot the manager in order VNC to respect
> the locales.
> I precise I've made amounts of other tests and actions before that
> and
> none was helpful.

> So, anyway, your page DID help me, my frrrrrench accents are now well
> accepted ;)


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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