[Users] Flush old logs

Nicolas Ecarnot nicolas at ecarnot.net
Tue Jan 22 04:41:32 EST 2013

Hi Eli,

Le 22/01/2013 00:13, Eli Mesika a écrit :
>> From: "Nicolas Ecarnot" <nicolas at ecarnot.net> To: users at ovirt.org
>> Here's a simple question : In the "Alerts" message queue at the
>> bottom of the screen, I see an error message dating from two weeks
>> (about the failure to verify to restart status of a host). I'm
>> pretty sure this shouldn't be there anymore, as the power
>> management of this host has already been tested and approved many
>> times since.
> Hi Nicolas The Alert should be deleted from the Alert View once you
> had succeeded to configure & test it successfully If you only
> configure it without testing or test failed, only the Alert saying
> that PM is not configured for the Host will be deleted. The message
> you had noted " failure to verify to restart status of a host" is not
> the exact one, can you give please the exact message?

"Failed to verify Host xxxxx Restart status, Please Restart Host xxxxx 

The tests I did on power management, either via the test button, or via 
some actions, including power up, reboot, are all reacting well.

I'm close to think there is actually NO problem, except this old log msg.

>> I haven't find any trivial way to flush this message queue, and I
>> was wondering whether it was stored in a database?
> Yes, it is stored in the database.
>> Is there a way to clear these error messages? (Am I right with the
>> db location?)
> The table holding all those messages is called audit_log, deleting
> from this table manually is not recommended. The table has also a
> auto-clean mechanism controlled by the AuditLogAgingThreashold
> configuration value that is set by default to 30 days. this value may
> be modified using the engine-config tool (requires restart of the
> engine to take place)

Ok, so either I wait 15 more days for this msg to disapear, either I 
find the adequate config command line to shorten it, and restart.

Ok, this is enough for me. Thank you for your explanation.


Nicolas Ecarnot

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