[Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration

Adrian Gibanel adrian.gibanel at btactic.com
Wed Jan 23 19:26:47 EST 2013

----- Mensaje original -----

> De: "Alexandru Vladulescu" <avladulescu at bfproject.ro>
> Para: "users" <users at ovirt.org>
> Enviados: Martes, 22 de Enero 2013 20:47:55
> Asunto: [Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration

> Hi everybody,

> This might seem to be a stupid question but I might just give it a
> shot
> and ask you if has anybody tried so far to migrate a 3.1 stable to a
> 3.2
> alpha release ? On my side I have no luck.

What do you mean by migrating? Updating packages on the same machine? 
Migrating from one machine to another one? 
You mean you want to update/migrate ovirt-engine, isn't it ? 

> Might have found a bug as well, but that is what you need to confirm
> to
> me. I had the jboss setup running on port http 8080 and for https
> 8443.
> After the upgrade, everything I try besides the port 80 and 443
> doesn't
> work. If I try to reconfigure the previous used ports, I find java
> listening on port 8080 for http, but when I try to log in and switch
> to
> https on admin portal there is nothing listening out there and I get
> "Page cannot be displayed".

How do you try to reconfigure it? What commands do you run? Or what files do you edit? 

> If we cannot consider migration, would it be sufficient to insert the
> dump from the 3.1 into 3.2 current alpha release ?
As I said above we don't know what you mean by migration. 


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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