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Sun Jan 20 21:10:45 EST 2013

and new database schema (and probably other parts of oVirt) and the engine-=
upgrade handles that.=20

Maybe other list contributors can confirm if I'm missing some other steps o=
r not.=20

----- Mensaje original -----

> De: "Alexandru Vladulescu" <avladulescu at>
> Para: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.gibanel at>
> CC: "users" <users at>
> Enviados: Jueves, 24 de Enero 2013 10:59:14
> Asunto: Re: [Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration

> Dear Adrian,

> By migration I mean to say "migration of the products from 3.1 to 3.2
> -- or upgrade of the Ovirt platform". The test upgrade was done, in
> my case, on a machine that only acts as a node controller in the
> system, therefore there is no ISO domains, local storage volumes or
> vdsm daemon for hypervisior purpose running.

> Using, dreyou's repo, I included the 3.2 alpha release, removed the
> 3.1 version clean from the system, install all the 3.2 ovirt
> packages version and run engine-setup on the new installation.

> I did not run engine-cleanup, therefore the DB was untouched and
> running engine-setup, I saw that the DB initialization sequence was
> pushing new table & data updates on the running DB from postgres as
> the new size went from 10MB to 15MB.


Adri=C3=A1n Gibanel=20
I.T. Manager=20

+34 675 683 301=20

Ens podeu seguir a/Nos podeis seguir en:=20


Abans d=C2=B4imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient. El medi am=
bient =C3=A9s cosa de tothom. / Antes de imprimir el mensaje piensa en el m=
edio ambiente. El medio ambiente es cosa de todos.=20

El contingut d'aquest missatge i els seus annexos =C3=A9s confidencial. Si =
no en sou el destinatari, us fem saber que est=C3=A0 prohibit utilitzar-lo,=
 divulgar-lo i/o copiar-lo sense tenir l'autoritzaci=C3=B3 corresponent. Si=
 heu rebut aquest missatge per error, us agrairem que ho feu saber immediat=
ament al remitent i que procediu a destruir el missatge .=20

El contenido de este mensaje y de sus anexos es confidencial. Si no es el d=
estinatario, les hacemos saber que est=C3=A1 prohibido utilizarlo, divulgar=
lo y/o copiarlo sin tener la autorizaci=C3=B3n correspondiente. Si han reci=
bido este mensaje por error, les agradecer=C3=ADamos que lo hagan saber inm=
ediatamente al remitente y que procedan a destruir el mensaje .=20

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<html><head><style type=3D'text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><=
div style=3D'font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; colo=
r: #000000'>As far as I know in Fedora you need to upgrade from Fedora 17 t=
o Fedora 18.<br>As you you're using CentOS I suppose you don't need to upgr=
ade your CentOS but I'm not sure at all.<br><br>Anyways what I've read in t=
he mailing list about 3.1 to 3.2 update is the following one:<br><br>&nbsp;=
 * Update packages<br>&nbsp; * Run: engine-upgrade command<br><br>I don't k=
now how easy it is to update packages in your case (stable to beta) so you =
might do it in your way like this:<br>&nbsp; * Remove 3.1 packages<br>&nbsp=
; * Install 3.2 beta packages<br>&nbsp; * Run: engine-upgrade command<br><b=
r>From what I have read (not an expert) there's a difference between the ol=
d and&nbsp; new database schema (and probably other parts of oVirt)&nbsp; a=
nd the engine-upgrade handles that.<br><br>Maybe other list contributors ca=
n confirm if I'm missing some other steps or not.<br><br><hr id=3D"zwchr"><=
blockquote style=3D"border-left:2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255);margin-left:5px;=
ation:none;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12pt;"><b>De: <=
/b>"Alexandru Vladulescu" &lt;avladulescu at;<br><b>Para: </b>=
"Adrian Gibanel" &lt;adrian.gibanel at;<br><b>CC: </b>"users" &=
lt;users at;<br><b>Enviados: </b>Jueves, 24 de Enero 2013 10:59:1=
4<br><b>Asunto: </b>Re: [Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration<br><br>
    <div class=3D"moz-cite-prefix"><br>
      Dear Adrian,<br>
      By migration I mean to say "migration of the products from 3.1 to
      3.2 -- or upgrade of the Ovirt platform". The test upgrade was
      done, in my case, on a machine that only acts as a node controller
      in the system, therefore there is no ISO domains, local storage
      volumes or vdsm daemon for hypervisior purpose running.<br>
      Using, dreyou's repo, I included the 3.2 alpha release, removed
      the 3.1 version clean from the system, install all the 3.2 ovirt
      packages version and run engine-setup on the new installation.<br>
      I did not run engine-cleanup, therefore the DB was untouched and
      running engine-setup, I saw that the DB initialization sequence
      was pushing new table &amp; data updates on the running DB from
      postgres as the new size went from 10MB to 15MB.<br></div></blockquot=
e><br>-- <br><div><span name=3D"x"></span><font style=3D"font-weight: bold;=
" size=3D"3"><a style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" href=3D"http://www.btactic.c=
om/"><span id=3D"DWT100"><font class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D"verdana, =
helvetica, sans-serif"><span class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"background=
-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></span></font></span></a></font><font style=3D=
"font-family: 'Times New Roman';" color=3D"#5f5f5f" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"=
1"><font size=3D"3"><span style=3D"font-family: verdana,helvetica,sans-seri=
f; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><font style=3D"font-family: helvetica;" size=3D"2"=
><strong>Adri=C3=A1n Gibanel</strong><br>I.T. Manager<br><br>+34 675 683 30=
1<br><a href=3D""></a></font><br><br></sp=
an></font></font><font color=3D"#008000" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"1"><img src=
=3D"" style=
=3D"border-width: 0px;"><br></font><font class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D=
"Arial"><b><span class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"font-family: Verdana; =
font-weight: normal;"><span id=3D"bc4bed34-88ab-466b-a731-c40f5c09ab6c"><fo=
nt color=3D"#5f5f5f" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"1"><br>Ens podeu seguir a/Nos p=
odeis seguir en:<br>
</font></span><a href=3D"
400?v=3Dapp_9953271133"><img style=3D"border: 0pt none;" src=3D"http://www.="></a> i <a href=
=3D""><img style=3D"border: 0pt none;" src=3D"htt=
an></b></font><br><font color=3D"#008000" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"1"><br></f=
ont><div><font color=3D"#008000" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"1">Abans d=C2=B4imp=
aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient. El medi ambient =C3=A9s cosa de=
/ Antes de imprimir el mensaje piensa en el medio ambiente. El medio=20
es cosa de todos. </font><font color=3D"#5f5f5f" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"1">=
AVIS: <br>
El contingut d'aquest missatge i els seus annexos =C3=A9s confidencial. Si =
en sou el destinatari, us fem saber que est=C3=A0 prohibit utilitzar-lo,=20
i/o copiar-lo sense tenir l'autoritzaci=C3=B3 corresponent. Si heu rebut=20
missatge per error, us agrairem que ho feu saber immediatament <span class=
=3D"Object" id=3D"OBJ_PREFIX_DWT103">al remitent
i que procediu a destruir el missatge</span>.<br>
El contenido de este mensaje y de sus anexos es confidencial. Si no es
el destinatario, les hacemos saber que est=C3=A1 prohibido utilizarlo,=20
y/o copiarlo sin tener la autorizaci=C3=B3n correspondiente. Si han recibid=
este mensaje por error, les agradecer=C3=ADamos que lo hagan saber=20
<span class=3D"Object" id=3D"OBJ_PREFIX_DWT104">al remitente y que procedan=
 destruir el mensaje</span>.</font>

</div><span name=3D"x"></span><br></div></div></body></html>

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