[Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration

Sven Knohsalla s.knohsalla at netbiscuits.com
Thu Jan 24 08:26:21 EST 2013


would be very good to know, although for future versions,
if the command  engine-upgrade is able to handle engine updates with no issues
(for default ovirt-engine installations) .

For us it’s a disaster to move productive environment from 3.0 to 3.1.

Thanks in advance!


Von: users-bounces at ovirt.org [mailto:users-bounces at ovirt.org] Im Auftrag von Adrian Gibanel
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013 14:14
An: users
Betreff: Re: [Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration

As far as I know in Fedora you need to upgrade from Fedora 17 to Fedora 18.
As you you're using CentOS I suppose you don't need to upgrade your CentOS but I'm not sure at all.

Anyways what I've read in the mailing list about 3.1 to 3.2 update is the following one:

  * Update packages
  * Run: engine-upgrade command

I don't know how easy it is to update packages in your case (stable to beta) so you might do it in your way like this:
  * Remove 3.1 packages
  * Install 3.2 beta packages
  * Run: engine-upgrade command

From what I have read (not an expert) there's a difference between the old and  new database schema (and probably other parts of oVirt)  and the engine-upgrade handles that.

Maybe other list contributors can confirm if I'm missing some other steps or not.
De: "Alexandru Vladulescu" <avladulescu at bfproject.ro<mailto:avladulescu at bfproject.ro>>
Para: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.gibanel at btactic.com<mailto:adrian.gibanel at btactic.com>>
CC: "users" <users at ovirt.org<mailto:users at ovirt.org>>
Enviados: Jueves, 24 de Enero 2013 10:59:14
Asunto: Re: [Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration

Dear Adrian,

By migration I mean to say "migration of the products from 3.1 to 3.2 -- or upgrade of the Ovirt platform". The test upgrade was done, in my case, on a machine that only acts as a node controller in the system, therefore there is no ISO domains, local storage volumes or vdsm daemon for hypervisior purpose running.

Using, dreyou's repo, I included the 3.2 alpha release, removed the 3.1 version clean from the system, install all the 3.2 ovirt packages version and run engine-setup on the new installation.

I did not run engine-cleanup, therefore the DB was untouched and running engine-setup, I saw that the DB initialization sequence was pushing new table & data updates on the running DB from postgres as the new size went from 10MB to 15MB.

Adrián Gibanel
I.T. Manager

+34 675 683 301


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