[Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration

saravanan s saravanan2365 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 00:48:01 EST 2013

im using redhat 6.2 linux version for the virtualization concept. But here
im facing issues , listed below .
please give me a guidance

1)hypervisors(host) cant able to stop properly
2)vm'z multipath functions not functioning properly
3)Storage not getting shutdown , because heavy load?
4) while running vm's im getting threshold error message

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Alex Lourie <alourie at redhat.com> wrote:

>  On 01/24/2013 04:51 PM, Alexandru Vladulescu wrote:
> On 01/24/2013 04:42 PM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
> ------------------------------
> *De: *"Alexandru Vladulescu" <avladulescu at bfproject.ro><avladulescu at bfproject.ro>
> *Para: *users at ovirt.org
> *Enviados: *Jueves, 24 de Enero 2013 14:21:22
> *Asunto: *Re: [Users] 3.1 to 3.2 migration
>  Hi,
> On 01/24/2013 03:13 PM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
> As far as I know in Fedora you need to upgrade from Fedora 17 to Fedora 18.
> As you you're using CentOS I suppose you don't need to upgrade your CentOS
> but I'm not sure at all.
>  This is not the case, it goes right if installed 3.2 from scratch on a
> new machine. Don't think CentOS has a problem here.
> Well, I remember having asked about Fedora and CentOS oVirt support
> differences in the irc and I think I was answered that for some features
> you needed extra repositories for new kernel + kvm and / or gluster and /or
> libvirt. Not sure about what were exactly the features you missed and the
> repos you need to enable manually.
> But just for upgrading to oVirt 3.2 I think you won't have any problem.
>  Anyways what I've read in the mailing list about 3.1 to 3.2 update is
> the following one:
>   * Update packages
>   * Run: engine-upgrade command
> I don't know how easy it is to update packages in your case (stable to
> beta) so you might do it in your way like this:
>   * Remove 3.1 packages
>   * Install 3.2 beta packages
>   * Run: engine-upgrade command
>  I have removed 3.1 using yum, installed 3.2 using yum and run the
> engine-setup and not upgrade command. As seen engine-upgrade, tries first
> to locate a mirror through yum.
> Hummm. Maybe I was mistaken and what you have to do is to add a yum
> repository and then run engine-upgrade. What I remember without any doubt
> is that you had to run engine-upgrade no matter what.
> Hope someone can clarify it.
> I will check that and get back to you.
> Hi Alex
> When you test the upgrade, please attach its log file. We then can look
> into the upgrade process and find issues if there are any.
> Thanks.
> --
>  <http://www.btactic.com/>*Adrián Gibanel*
> I.T. Manager
> +34 675 683 301
> www.btactic.com <http://btactic.com/>
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> Alex Lourie
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