[Users] How to import KVM machines into oVirt iSCSI

Nicolas Ecarnot nicolas at ecarnot.net
Wed Jan 30 05:43:51 EST 2013


Reading the docs all day long helped me to setup a nice Data center in 
iSCSI mode, connected to a big LUN in a san.
Many many points are working, mostly thanks to you, people of this list.

Apart from this oVirt setup (1 manager, 3 nodes, 1 san), I have a 
completely separated ubuntu hypervisor running a standalone local KVM 
with a local storage.

I have not a clear view of how I will manage to import these VM into oVirt.

Of course, I've read about ovirt-v2v (and its huge amount of 
dependencies...), but I'm not sure this is the way I have to follow?
As far as I've understood, v2v seems to be dedicated to connection 
between oVirt datacenters, or vmware or Xen plateforms, but I see 
nothing about the connection to a distant standalone KVM hypervisor.

One more thing that is unclear to me, and seems related, is the notion 
of export / import domain. I read that this principle could allow me to 
export (then to backup) my VMs. This could help me to import some VMs.
But I read that this export domain has to be the same type of my 
datacenter (iscsi), so this is not helping me with my standalone kvm 

I'd be glad to get some light on these points.

Nicolas Ecarnot

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