No subject

Sun Jan 20 21:10:45 EST 2013

applications part of details pane for a VM.
This in VMs with Windows XP, Windows 7 and Linux too (tried Fedora and CentOS).
See this image for this windows xp.

Possibly the free agent is not capable to get the list of applications
installed and pass to webadmin gui....
Or there is another component to install/enable that is not inside the

And also, in my engine that is 3.2 stable from f18 ovirt repo I don't
have this kind of key at all...

[root at tekkaman ~]# engine-config -g SpiceDriverNameInGuest
Error fetching SpiceDriverNameInGuest value: no such entry. Please
verify key name and property file support.

The available ones are here:

[root at tekkaman ~]# engine-config -l | grep -i spice
WANDisableEffects: "Disabled WAN Effects value to send to the SPICE
console" (Value Type: StringMultiple)
WANColorDepth: "WAN Color Depth value to send to the SPICE console"
(Value Type: Integer)
EnableSpiceRootCertificateValidation: "Enable Spice Root Certification
Validation" (Value Type: String)
SpiceReleaseCursorKeys: "Keyboard keys combination that causes the
mouse cursor to be released from its grab on SPICE" (Value Type:
SpiceSecureChannels: "SPICE Secure Channels" (Value Type: StringMultiple)
SpiceToggleFullScreenKeys: "Keyboard keys combination that toggles the
full-screen state of SPICE client window" (Value Type: String)
SpiceUsbAutoShare: "Enable USB devices sharing by default in SPICE"
(Value Type: String)
SSLEnabled: "SPICE SSL Enabled" (Value Type: String)

[root at tekkaman ~]# engine-config -a | grep -i spice
EnableSpiceRootCertificateValidation: true version: general
SpiceReleaseCursorKeys: shift+f12 version: general
SpiceSecureChannels: smain,sinputs version: 3.0
version: 3.1
version: 3.2
SpiceToggleFullScreenKeys: shift+f11 version: general
SpiceUsbAutoShare: true version: general

So the question is if I can add this key you referred and in that case
then how to get list of applications transmitted to web admin gui.

Thanks for your time Itamar.


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