[Users] Trouble building Ovirt from source - "No rule to make target `install_tools'. Stop."

Juan Hernandez jhernand at redhat.com
Thu Jan 24 18:52:18 UTC 2013

On 01/24/2013 04:20 PM, Yuval M wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm installing Ovirt 3.1 on Fedora using this guide:
> http://www.ovirt.org/Building_oVirt_engine#Deploying_engine-config_.26_engine-manage-domains
> and I'm getting the error in the subject from make.
> there is indeed no rule for install_tools in the makefile.
> What am I missing?

Those instructions are out of date, use "make install". That installs 
the files, but you will still need some changes to make the engine work:

1. Create the ovirt user (the engine runs by default with this service, 
unless you change the /etc/syscofig/ovirt-engine file and add the 

   useradd ovirt

2. Create (mkdir -p ...) and change the ownership of the directories 
that the engine needs to own to ovirt:ovirt (chown ovirt:ovirt ...):


3. Enable the HTTP connector in the engine (the default is to enable 
only AJP, and that doesn't work without Apache as frontend) adding the 
following to the /etc/sysconfig/ovirt-engine file:


4. Configure database connection details (the default in development 
environments is to use the postgres user and the trust mode) adding this 
to /etc/sysconfig/ovirt-engine:


5. Make sure that you have the PostgreSQL JDBC driver installed (rpm -q 
postgresql-jdbc) and install it if needed (yum install postgresql-jdbc).

6. Now you can start the engine running the engine-service script:

   engine-service start

Look at the system log (the file /var/log/messages) and the engine logs 
(the files /var/log/ovirt-engine/server.log and /var/log/ovirt-engine) 
for errors.

7. Connect to http://localhost:8700 and you should be able to login with 
user admin and letmein! as password.

Note that I am assuming that you already created the database, and that 
you want to use this installation for development. If you are looking 
for an production installation I suggest using the RPMs.

Also I tested this with the latest source from the repository, it will 
not work with older versions.

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