[Users] backup virtual machine configuration

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Fri Mar 15 04:22:29 EDT 2013

On 02/26/2013 10:23 AM, Omer Frenkel wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Andrej Bagon" <andrej.bagon at arnes.si>
>> To: users at ovirt.org
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:07:04 AM
>> Subject: [Users] backup virtual machine configuration
>> Dear users of ovirt.org,
>> we are making a virtual environment with oVirt. We are wondering if
>> there are any command line tools to make backups of configuration of
>> virtual machines. Like a tool to list all virtual machines in a
>> cluster
>> and then make backup one by one into a file (and restore later). We
>> know
>> that we can make backup of the whole postgresql database.
>> Thank you,
>> Best Regards,
>> Andrej
> you can use python or java SDK to get all vms in cluser,
> then you export them to an export domain (if vms disks are important as well)
> and later use import.
> you can also save the result of the query to some file and read it later to creating the vms

or the python SDK, or easiest for automation, the ovirt-shell which is a CLI

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