[Users] Failed to add gluster server

suporte at logicworks.pt suporte at logicworks.pt
Wed Mar 13 08:00:58 UTC 2013


I just installed oVirt 3.2 than add a node 1 using fedora18, attach an iSCSI storage, and local ISO NFS, and the data center is alive. Than try to add a second node from the ISO ovirt-node-iso-2.6.1-20120228.fc18.iso, but get this error message:
Failed to add gluster server node2.domain.com into cluster default. Gluster command[gluster peer probe] failed on server

On the second node I configured Optional password for adding Node through oVirt Engine UI

On the engine when adding a new Host I add the values to Name, Address, and Root Password , and than get this error:
Error: Cannot add host. SSH authentication failed, verify authentication parameters are correct (Username/password, public key etc). You may refer to the engine.log file for further details.

I notice that I cannot login as root on the second node, so how can I add a node through oVirt Engine UI if it asks for a root password?

What am I doing wrong?


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