[Users] Engine-config -s small problem

noc noc at nieuwland.nl
Fri May 17 07:57:32 EDT 2013

Hi All,

Don't know if this is documented somewhere but I ran into an interesting 
problem yesterday. First we had intermittent problems with ssh 
connecting to VMs which we traced to having two oVirt installation being 
active in one subnet. Found the post from January where it is explained 
how engine allocates its mac address pool and how to set it with 
engine-config -s MacPoolRanges. Today I remembered that I had done that 
when I was about to start a VM and removed the nic from the VM and added 
it back. To my surprise it got the same macaddress as it had (from the 
old range). On a hunch I restarted ovirt-engine and redid the remove/add 
operation and now it got a new mac address from the range specified.
Shouldn't the engine be aware that the config is changed if you use 
engine-config and reload its cached values from the database?
I expected this but it seems not to be the case, bug or by design.


irc: jvandewege

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