[Users] Problem with time zone of a desktop VM

Gianluca Cecchi gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com
Thu May 9 15:10:31 UTC 2013

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Roy Golan wrote:

>>> well i dont really know, just a long shot,
>>> try to clear utc_diff in  vm_dynamic:
>>> update vm_dynamic set utc_diff = null where vm_guid=(select vm_guid from
>>> vm_static where vm_name='winxp');
>> Martin's actively working on TZ defaults. There was an issue where this
>> default was not actually applied(I don't think it's discussed in the bug) so
>> most likely that's why your db changes are not reflected
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=873795
> the patch and some discussion http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/14248/

For the defaults considerations:
Unfortunately the bug is not visible to me...
regarding the patch: is it included in 3.2.2? Will it be included in 3.3?

For my particular VM

engine=# select a.vm_name,b.utc_diff from vm_static a, vm_dynamic b
where a.vm_guid=b.vm_guid;
 vm_name | utc_diff
 winxp   |    50394
 infra   |       -1
 test    |
(3 rows)

engine=# update vm_dynamic set utc_diff = null where vm_guid=(select
vm_guid from vm_static where vm_name='winxp');

engine=# select a.vm_name,b.utc_diff from vm_static a, vm_dynamic b
where a.vm_guid=b.vm_guid;
 vm_name | utc_diff
 winxp   |
 infra   |       -1
 test    |
(3 rows)

engine=# commit;

engine-# \q

restart of engine and now on boot my vm got UTC time (here in Italy
16:30 and VM got 14:30), so it seems some effect was put in place.

After that I noticed that for this VM it was set also internet time in
sync with time.windows.com so I unset it and ran another shutdown and
power on, but this seems did'nt influence.

Then I shutdown and set in db utc_diff to -1 (like infra VM that is
set in web gui as GMT+1) restart engine and power on but it keeps two
hours behind

Then I manually set the time to 16:40 in windows and shutdown and
power on and the time was retained. Thanks.

Nevertheless  in the GUI I continue to have the VM configured in Edit
--> Initial Run with GMT-12 and every new VM by default gets that if I
don't manually change it during creation.

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