[Users] Tagged and Untagged Traffic on the same Interface.

Assaf Muller amuller at redhat.com
Sun Nov 3 05:03:55 EST 2013

Hi Matt,

You can associate multiple networks with a single nic / bond, providing that the untagged network is also non-VM.
You may have up to one untagged non-VM network, and zero or more tagged networks on the same network device.

Example - All networks on the same device:
Non-VM, untagged management network
Tagged, non-VM network X 3
Tagged, VM network X 2

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Curry" <mcurry at skopos.us>
To: users at ovirt.org
Sent: Saturday, November 2, 2013 12:11:04 AM
Subject: [Users] Tagged and Untagged Traffic on the same Interface.

Hello All, 

Is it possible to have tagged, and untagged traffic on the same interface. 

2 nics on node. 
Bond them together. 

Management traffic and other traffic on same bonded interface? 

All help is appreciated. 

PS. I am on #ovirt as MCLinux… 

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