[Users] 32bit CentOS 6.4 on VirtualBox to oVirt on Fedora 19 64bit via virt-v2v

Owen Williams williams at dmu.ac.uk
Thu Nov 14 08:55:33 EST 2013

  I've trying to move a 32bit CentOS 6.4 on VirtualBox to oVirt on
Fedora 19 64bit via virt-v2v.  The command I'm currently using is:

virt-v2v -i libvirtxml -of qcow2 -oa sparse -o rhev -osd
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/usr/local/ovirt/exports --network
ovirtmgmt /usr1/home/williams/Downloads/OpenAthens/VMs/OpenAthensLARuntime2.2.xml

The exciting bit of the XML is:

    <disk type='file' device='disk' snapshot='no'>
      <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
      <alias name='virtio-disk0'/>

The image is a RAW (taken from the working VirtualBox install) but I
have tried the original image with the same result:

virtio configured, but no virtio kernel found
at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Sys/VirtConvert/Converter/RedHat.pm

I have looked at the code:


creating this and dumped the contents of the grub look up:

Sys::VirtConvert::GuestfsHandle=HASH(0x433da98)< >/dev/VolGroup/lv_root<
$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'onclose' => [
                                sub { "DUMMY" }
                 'g' => bless( {
                                 '_g' => 70645888,
                                 '_flags' => 0
                               }, 'Sys::Guestfs' )
               }, 'Sys::VirtConvert::GuestfsHandle' );

If I tell the code to skip this section the result becomes:

virt-v2v: Failed to find a kernel_pkg.i686 package to install

Any ideas on how to solve this or what the solution might, please?

Best regards,


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