[Users] Guest Agent

Gianluca Cecchi gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 07:38:09 EST 2013

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Vinzenz Feenstra  wrote:
> On 11/25/2013 01:09 PM, Vinzenz Feenstra wrote:
>> On 11/25/2013 12:54 PM, Patrick Hurrelmann wrote:

>>> If you had rhev-guest-agent installed before, then manually remove the
>>> user rhevagent and group rhevagent before installing ovirt-guest-agent.
>>> the ovirt-guest-agent reuses the same uid and gid, but fails to add them
>>> upon install when the rhev user and group is still existing.
>> Ah yeah that explains it. Well I am not sure if the workaround for this is
>> appropriate in the rpm.
>> I think that should be fixed on the system, it's not really expected that
>> someone would be 'upgrading' from the rhev-agent
> "it's not really expected that someone would be 'upgrading' from the
> rhev-agent" to the ovirt-guest-agent.
>>> Regards
>>> Patrick

Patrick was right
Having before installed and then removed rhev-agent to test
ovirt-agent I still had:

rhevagent:x:175:175:RHEV Agent:/:/sbin/nologin
ovirtagent:x:175:175:oVirt Guest Agent:/:/sbin/nologin


So after removing ovirt-guest-agent and
userdel ovirtagent
groupdel rhevagent

verified no more entries and reinstalled ovirt-guest-agent, now only

ovirtagent:x:175:175:oVirt Guest Agent:/:/sbin/nologin


[root at c510 ~]# service ovirt-guest-agent start
Starting ovirt-guest-agent:                                [  OK  ]

[root at c510 ~]# service ovirt-guest-agent status
ovirt-guest-agent (pid  3527) is running...

Only entry in log file:
13:30:29,676::ovirt-guest-agent::37::root::Starting oVirt guest agent

and I'm able to see again IP, installed applications, ecc for the VM
So the rpm itself seems ok.
Eventually it could be useful to verify no rhev-agent package exist
and no other user/group with same id.
Should it considered a standard way of proceeding to delete user group
or not in general?
Because in this case as a post-uninstall step could be safe to remove them.


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