[Users] Invitation to use Google Talk

Fabian Deutsch fabiand at redhat.com
Thu Oct 10 13:14:32 EDT 2013

Am Donnerstag, den 10.10.2013, 04:34 -0700 schrieb Google Talk:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> You've been invited by Kalil de A. Carvalho to use Google Talk.
> If you already have a Google account, login to Gmail and accept this chat
> invitation:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/invite/ANGjdJ-zLaKO2434T5nlnnAeFXYoWJG8eE08H9lB4ZcT6VlChLQ15RK1QvkTSEM-skIXiHJO8g85ysR5jIA0
> To sign up for a Google account and get started with Google Talk, you can
> visit:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/invite/ANGjdJ81SFDrORI9xzDBc2x3FfUSB3jEmDMcExAlwEK-sVZksxyuwqAAUlcMNzj_AFU_PQCFfjDMGHUzhZPq?pc=en-rf---a
> Learn more at:
> http://www.google.com/intl/en/landing/accounts/

Why google talk?
What about http://talky.io/ovirt or http://palava.tv/ovirt


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