[Users] oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-10-16

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Wed Oct 16 12:47:16 EDT 2013

On 10/16/2013 10:55 AM, Mike Burns wrote:
> * oVirt 3.4 planning  (mburns, 14:32:32)
>    * itamar has started a thread on board@ discussing a new cadence for
>      releases  (mburns, 14:33:21)
>    * based on this schedule we'll be targeting a release in late
>      January/early February  (mburns, 14:34:22)

we also want more time on stabilzing, so we should plan to feature 
freeze late December, 1-2 weeks of stabilizing on master, than branch 
for backports for beta, rc, etc.

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