[Users] [node-devel] GlusterFS on oVirt node

Mike Burns mburns at redhat.com
Fri Oct 25 07:41:12 EDT 2013

On 10/25/2013 02:27 AM, Fabian Deutsch wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 24.10.2013, 19:59 +0200 schrieb Saša Friedrich:
>> I reinstalled node and remounter / rw then I checked fs before
>> activating host (in oVirt Engine) and after (which files have been
>> changed)... The "ro" problem seems to be in /var/lib/glusterd/. Is there
>> any way I can change node so this directory would be mounted rw? And to
>> persist this setting after reboot.
> Hey,
> do you know if the data in /var/lib/glusterd needs to survive reboots?
> If not, then this patch http://gerrit.ovirt.org/20540 will probably fix

I'll ack this once you fix the typo in the summary (s/bar/var/)


> the problem. The patch just adds that path to /etc/rwtab.d/ovirt - this
> will tell the read-only root to make that path writable at boot.
> Due to the nature of Node you will need to build your own image or wait
> until the patch lands in an image. Editing the rwtab file by hand at
> runtime won't have an effect.
> Greetings
> fabian
>> tnx
>> Dne 24. 10. 2013 15:28, piše Fabian Deutsch:
>>> Am Donnerstag, den 24.10.2013, 15:12 +0200 schrieb Saša Friedrich:
>>>> Progress report:
>>>> I remounted fs on oVirt nodes rw, started glusterd with no errors.
>>>> Then I activated hosts in oVirt Engine. Also no errors! Yei!
>>> Yey! :)
>>> Yes, mount -oremount,rw make's the FS temporarily writeable. But you
>>> will have issues as soon as you reboot.
>>> We'll need to investigate which paths need to be persisted (so the data
>>> written to them survives a reboot) and which only need to be write-able
>>> e.g. for temporary data.
>>> Would you mind opening a bug for this?
>>> Greetings
>>> fabian
>>>> Then I created volume (replication), added two bricks (oVirt nodes),
>>>> and started volume. Seems fine. I checkd on node1:
>>>> # gluster volume info
>>>> Volume Name: data_vol
>>>> Type: Replicate
>>>> Volume ID: a1cdc762-2198-47e2-9b4a-58fd0571b269
>>>> Status: Started
>>>> Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
>>>> Transport-type: tcp
>>>> Bricks:
>>>> Brick1:
>>>> Brick2:
>>>> Options Reconfigured:
>>>> storage.owner-gid: 36
>>>> storage.owner-uid: 36
>>>> auth.allow: *
>>>> user.cifs: on
>>>> nfs.disable: off
>>>> BUT...  Now i can not create storage domain. When I hit OK button on
>>>> "New storage domain dialog", process is running very long. Eventually
>>>> this process stops and returns " Error while executing action Add
>>>> Storage Connection: Network error during communication with the
>>>> Host".
>>>> I'm stuck again :-(     in need for HELP!
>>> Could you please provide the logfiles mentioned here:
>>> http://www.ovirt.org/Node_Troubleshooting#Log_Files
>>> Greetings
>>> fabian
>>>> tnx
>>>> Dne 24. 10. 2013 13:02, piše Mike Burns:
>>>>> Adding to node-devel list and users list.
>>>>> -- Mike
>>>>> Apologies for top posting and typos.  This was sent from a mobile device.
>>>>> Saša Friedrich <sasa.friedrich at bitlab.si> wrote:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> Acording to http://www.ovirt.org/Node_Glusterfs_Support glusterfs on
>>>>> ovirt node should be supported. But I have some difficulties to
>>>>> implement it.
>>>>> I installed ovirt (nested kvm - home testing) following "Up and Running
>>>>> with oVirt 3.3) using Fedora19
>>>>> Install went well. Everything is working fine.
>>>>> Now I created two hosts (nested kvm - ovirt node fc19 - just for
>>>>> testing) and added them in oVirt.
>>>>> Super fine - working!
>>>>> Now I'd like to use this hosts as glustefs nodes too. Acording to google
>>>>> (I'm googling for two days now) I'ts possible, but I can not find any
>>>>> usable how-to
>>>>> 1. I removed these two hosts from default data center
>>>>> 2. I created new data center (type: GlusterFS)
>>>>> 3. I created new cluster (Enable Gluster Service checked)
>>>>> 4. I added host
>>>>> 5. Now I get error message in events: "Could not find gluster uuid of
>>>>> server host1 on Cluster Cluster1."
>>>>> If I ssh to my host (fc19 node) glusterd.service is not running. If I
>>>>> try to run it It returns error
>>>>> here is the log:
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.969899] I [glusterfsd.c:1910:main]
>>>>> 0-/usr/sbin/glusterd: Started running /usr/sbin/glusterd version 3.4.0
>>>>> (/usr/sbin/glusterd -p /run/glusterd.pid)
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.974480] I [glusterd.c:962:init] 0-management: Using
>>>>> /var/lib/glusterd as working directory
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.977648] I [socket.c:3480:socket_init]
>>>>> 0-socket.management: SSL support is NOT enabled
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.977694] I [socket.c:3495:socket_init]
>>>>> 0-socket.management: using system polling thread
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.978611] W [rdma.c:4197:__gf_rdma_ctx_create]
>>>>> 0-rpc-transport/rdma: rdma_cm event channel creation failed (No such device)
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.978651] E [rdma.c:4485:init] 0-rdma.management:
>>>>> Failed to initialize IB Device
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.978667] E [rpc-transport.c:320:rpc_transport_load]
>>>>> 0-rpc-transport: 'rdma' initialization failed
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.978747] W [rpcsvc.c:1387:rpcsvc_transport_create]
>>>>> 0-rpc-service: cannot create listener, initing the transport failed
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.979890] I
>>>>> [glusterd.c:354:glusterd_check_gsync_present] 0-glusterd:
>>>>> geo-replication module not installed in the system
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.980000] E [store.c:394:gf_store_handle_retrieve]
>>>>> 0-: Unable to retrieve store handle /var/lib/glusterd/glusterd.info,
>>>>> error: No such file or directory
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.980026] E
>>>>> [glusterd-store.c:1277:glusterd_retrieve_op_version] 0-: Unable to get
>>>>> store handle!
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.980048] E [store.c:394:gf_store_handle_retrieve]
>>>>> 0-: Unable to retrieve store handle /var/lib/glusterd/glusterd.info,
>>>>> error: No such file or directory
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.980060] E
>>>>> [glusterd-store.c:1378:glusterd_retrieve_uuid] 0-: Unable to get store
>>>>> handle!
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.980074] I
>>>>> [glusterd-store.c:1348:glusterd_restore_op_version] 0-management:
>>>>> Detected new install. Setting op-version to maximum : 2
>>>>> [2013-10-24 09:52:25.980309] E [store.c:360:gf_store_handle_new] 0-:
>>>>> Failed to open file: /var/lib/glusterd/options, error: Read-only file system
>>>>> Acording to log /var/lib/glusterd/glusterd.info is missing and can not
>>>>> be created because fs is mounted "ro".
>>>>> Now I'm stuck!
>>>>> What am I missing?
>>>>> tnx for help!
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