[Users] oVirt Updates - Special KVM Forum/oVirt edition

Vinzenz Feenstra vfeenstr at redhat.com
Wed Oct 30 08:31:07 EDT 2013

On 10/30/2013 12:56 PM, Vinzenz Feenstra wrote:
> On 10/28/2013 04:19 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
>> On Sun, 2013-10-27 at 23:31 +0200, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>> A great week at linuxcon/cloudopen/kvmforum/ovirt conference at
>>> Edinburgh, and some other nice feedback on oVirt, meriting a special
>>> edition of this update.
>>> Feel free to chime in with your feedback as well.
>> Thanks a lot for the KVM forum special newsletter.
>>> It is sometimes hard to remember we only released oVirt 3.0 last year,
>>> and that it takes time to get traction.
>>> For example, see slide 3 in the presentation i gave on oVirt Updates[1]
>>> to see the clear trend in adoption (via total users mailing list addresses).
>> My favorite slide is #12 (amongst others) - thanks Itamar :)
>>> Similarly, in Livnat's oVirt-intro session at CloudOpen, with ~75 people
>>> in the room, almost all raised their hand on her question "who knows/has
>>> oVirt".
>>> We had a plethora of topics (same link as [1]), but i wanted to highlight:
>>> SUSE support
>>> During Livnat's talk, a question was raised wrt SUSE support.
>>> Asking for more details, we got ~"I'm running oVirt in testing and RHEV
>>> in production. with 200 SUSE 10/11 servers. I just want the guest-agent
>>> to have their ip address in the gui".
>>> So first of all, good to know SUSE runs as a guest without issues.
>>  From my experience so far there's no recent distribution which isn't
>> running without issues on oVirt. I tested SLES, openSUSE, CentOS, RHEL,
>> Fedora, Linux Mint, Debian, Ubuntu and all worked fine.
>> Some older distributions like the one in the attached screenshot are
>> running fine with IDE and rtl8139 emulated disks/nics...
>>> Also, the guest-agent itself is just a python script that should just
>>> work. Just some packaging is required, so we're looking to revamp this
>>> in build.opensuse.org, and hope some SUSE users will help us with
>>> closing and testing this one.
>> I can help creating packages for SLES and openSUSE on build.opensuse.org
>> for latest guest agent without SSO (and of course test the packages) or
>> is Vinzenz Feenstra already working on it as I saw he pushed the sources
>> to OBS?
> I have been creating first packages now for openSuSE 12.3, 13.1 and 
> Factory:
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:evilissimo
> It'd be great if you could help me testing them :-) For SLES I will 
> still have to check what's requirements are. (Environment wise 
> (systemd present? dependent libraries etc))
> I also packaged the latest python-ethtool from upstream
> Please let me know if anything is broken so I can address the issue :-)
Update: I have created the package now also for SLES 11 SP3

>>> In related SUSE news, I just saw this posted "After looking into oVirt
>>> it looks absolutely fantastic. Might look into seeing if I can help with
>>> porting this to openSUSE. What kind of work is involved in the porting
>>> of the application like this?"
>>> (discussion ongoing)
>>> on PPC:
>>> Leonardo from the Eldorado research center in Brazil gave a lecture on
>>> their work to add PPC support to oVirt. Paul Mackerras (KVM PPC
>>> developer) from IBM and Alexenader Graf attended and gave a lot of
>>> feedback, and potential interest from other PPC vendors, which should be
>>> hopefully mostly config level changes.
>>> User Stories:
>>> Keele university presented their path to oVirt. Always nice to hear how
>>> our project is used, and we actually asked them a lot of questions on
>>> why/how they use it the way they do. They also did a case study with
>>> Dave Neary, which i hope to see more from oVirt community members.
>>> Also, always nice to hear: in an irc chat on #ovirt: "I looked at ovirt
>>> about 4 months ago and when I came back a few days ago I was blown away
>>> at how far it had come! The devs have done an awesome job".
>>> All KVM Forum/oVirt sessions slides (and youtube's) should be available
>>> here[1]
>> Thanks for sharing - will watch some of the presentations.
>>> Thanks,
>>>      Itamar
>>> [1] oVirt Updates session by Itamar Heim
>>> http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRCSQmAOh7yzgheq-emy1xA
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> -- 
> Regards,
> Vinzenz Feenstra | Senior Software Engineer
> RedHat Engineering Virtualization R & D
> Phone: +420 532 294 625
> IRC: vfeenstr or evilissimo
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Vinzenz Feenstra | Senior Software Engineer
RedHat Engineering Virtualization R & D
Phone: +420 532 294 625
IRC: vfeenstr or evilissimo

Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com

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