[Users] Error after disk change virtio -> virtio-scsi

Markus Stockhausen stockhausen at collogia.de
Thu Sep 12 04:32:05 EDT 2013

> > if I change the type of an existing vm disk from virtio to virtio-scsi
> > in ovirt-engine webadmin the vm does not boot any longer. That
> > means qemu cannot start the VM at all. qemu error message is:
> > 
> > "unexpected address type for scsi disk"
> This feels like back in 3.1, when you changed type from IDE to VirtIO, 
> you needed to remove the disk (not erasing it completely) and then 
> add it back to the VM again, else it would throw an error like that. 
> Try that and see how it goes.

Thanks. That did the trick. Nice for a newbie to have someone who 
remembers "the old days".  In betwen I tried to convert the disk back 
to virtio but that resulted in a similar issue:

"unsupported configuration: virtio only support device address type 'PCI'."

De- and reattaching the disks will be fine for me for me. Maybe it
would be helpful to disable this change option in the web interface
for attached disks.

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