[Users] Announcement: oVirt 3.3.0 release!

Dave Neary dneary at redhat.com
Tue Sep 17 08:57:07 EDT 2013

The oVirt development team is very happy to announce the general
availability of oVirt 3.3.0 as of September 16th 2013. This release
solidifies oVirt as a leading KVM management application, and open
source alternative to VMware vSphere.

oVirt is available now for Fedora 19 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4
(or similar).

Get started with oVirt now! http://www.ovirt.org/Download

Chief among the many new features in the release are:

* Tight integration with Gluster - take advantage of native GlusterFS
support, or use oVirt to manage your Gluster bricks
* Integration with OpenStack - share images stored in Glance, and take
advantage of Neutron integration for network topology definition
* Extensibility and control - with improvements in VM scheduling, an
increased array of hooks and APIs, oVirt gives you absolute control over
your virtual datacenter

Read more about the oVirt 3.3 release on the Red Hat community blog:

The full release announcement:

oVirt 3.3 release notes: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3_release_notes

Dave Neary.

Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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