[Users] inconsistent sign-on, inacurate cpu % -- new to ovirt, new installation, new vm, first vm

Tomas Jelinek tjelinek at redhat.com
Mon Apr 7 02:16:36 EDT 2014

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff Clay" <jeffclay at gmail.com>
> To: users at ovirt.org
> Sent: Saturday, April 5, 2014 6:30:11 AM
> Subject: [Users] inconsistent sign-on, inacurate cpu % -- new to ovirt, new installation, new vm, first vm
> I've noticed something inconsistent. When viewing the the console using
> virtviewer on windows, I open the .vv file and sometimes the display
> connection prompts me for a password, no user name, only password.
> Regardless of what password I enter, it isn't accepted. Sometimes, I don't
> get prompted for a password at all. Keep in mind, this is the only VM on
> this machine, it's not like I'm having different issues on different
> machines. Also, if it's relevant, I have SSO disabled for this VM.

Is it possible that you are opening an old .vv file with the password already expired?
Because it lasts only for about 120s after it is generated. If yes, please try to open the
.vv file itself have a look if the password field is properly filled in. If yes, please try to pass it to the virtviewer (when asks) directly.

> Another issue, this vm has Windows 7 32-bit installed, configured for 2gb
> RAM, 1 socket 2 cores, yet when doing windows updates, the system resources
> shows the processor at constantly peaking to 100% on both graphs (both
> cores); yet, the CPU utilization in the ovirt webui doesn't go above 50%,
> almost like 50% = 100%.

This is really strange. May be an UI bug or some bug in reporting. Could you please make a REST call to get the statistics for that VM?
Something like: https://hostIP:port/ovirt-engine/api/vms/<vmId>/statistics

> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance. I'm sure I'm going to be bugging everyone with a lot of
> questions as I dig further into this.

welcome in list :)

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