[Users] Login Error using AD domain

Jeff Clay jeffclay at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 17:09:23 EDT 2014

This was working fine, now I get the error below in engine.log when I try
to log in. The clock times are the same. I even changed the time service on
the domain controller to use the same NTP source as the engine server. I
have rebooted the domain controller to make sure that all settings were
applied, but I still get this error. I can log into our other AD domain
without issue, the problem is just with this particular domain.

2014-04-07 16:05:07,453 ERROR
(ajp-- Kerberos error: Clock skew too great (37)
2014-04-07 16:05:07,454 ERROR
(ajp-- Authentication Failed. The Engine clock is not
synchronized with directory services (must be within 5 minutes difference).
Please verify the clocks are synchronized
2014-04-07 16:05:07,456 ERROR
(ajp-- Failed ldap search server ldap://par-dc1:389 using
user jclay at CORPORATE.WELLSCO.NET due to Authentication Failed. The Engine
clock is not synchronized with directory services (must be within 5 minutes
difference). Please verify the clocks are synchronized. We should try the
next server
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