[Users] Resizing bootable disk erase OS

Elad Ben Aharon ebenahar at redhat.com
Wed Apr 9 07:08:17 EDT 2014

For extending the VM disk, as Dafna mentioned,  you should use the ovirt-engine webadmin (via 'edit' disk).
If you'd like to extend your OS disk, there is a nice guide for that. it's not an official guide AFAIK, but it works :) 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dafna Ron" <dron at redhat.com>
To: users at ovirt.org, "Allon Mureinik" <amureini at redhat.com>, "Aharon Canan" <acanan at redhat.com>, "Elad Ben Aharon" <ebenahar at redhat.com>, "Gadi Ickowicz" <gickowic at redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 1:29:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] Resizing bootable disk erase OS

the OS should not be erased if it's done from the webadmin.
Adding some people to this bug.

you are extending from the webadmin and not by manually sending lvresize 


On 04/09/2014 11:21 AM, Yusufi M R wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have Ovirt 3.3 setup and have VMs created using template. If I 
> resize (extend) the disk size, the OS is erased. How can I extend the 
> size of disk without affecting the OS ?
> Regards,
> Yusuf
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Dafna Ron

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