[ovirt-users] how to import a disk image w/o associated vm

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Thu Apr 10 02:13:29 EDT 2014

On 04/10/2014 08:47 AM, Andrew Lau wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Andrew Lau <andrew at andrewklau.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 11:39 PM, Jeremiah Jahn
>> <jeremiah at goodinassociates.com> wrote:
>>> One of the things that I have to where I work, is pull and push disk
>>> images onto appliances and other physical things.  This is generally
>>> done with a little dd magic.   We'll start up the appliance in a
>>> virtual machine and mess with it in one way or another, then when
>>> we're done we'll take that image and use it to image our appliances
>>> that we send out.  So we have this collection of  some_system.img
>>> files laying around.  With virt-manager I can just stick the image
>>> file in a storage pool somewhere, create a new vm, and attach the
>>> image.
>>> So my question is how is this done in ovirt. v2v and
>>> engine-upload-image all want a pre-configured vm to work with. That is
>>> not what I have. Is there anyway to do this? I thought it'd be
>>> something like drop an img onto the export domain, and import it,
>>> create a vm around it. Once done export the image back to the export
>>> domain and move it someplace to be useful. This is not the case as far
>>> as I can tell. Am I missing something?
>> I was just looking at the same thing a few hours ago.. so far I've
>> found two possible options:
>> - Create the VM with your disk, find the uuid of that and dd your
>> source image onto this newly created image
>> - You should be able to manually create items in your export domain,
>> they just need a metadata file.
>> First is a VM export template and the second is an exported VM
> Oops, other way round..
>> [root at ov-engine1 images]# cat
>> 39efaa5f-394c-4842-b791-8eff831bca83/10824522-7e89-4f39-821d-bd7371b23f76.meta
>> DOMAIN=a571b1f5-b3c6-45d6-99dc-cdc5bdcdc249
>> CTIME=1397108117
>> IMAGE=39efaa5f-394c-4842-b791-8eff831bca83
>> PUUID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
>> MTIME=1397108118
>> SIZE=41943040
>> EOF
>> [root at ov-engine1 images]# cat
>> 9efe9fea-fb1d-4945-b10a-93d8914638bc/c06a63de-3761-485a-a6e9-92f6ed586254.meta
>> DOMAIN=a571b1f5-b3c6-45d6-99dc-cdc5bdcdc249
>> CTIME=1397108361
>> IMAGE=9efe9fea-fb1d-4945-b10a-93d8914638bc
>> PUUID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
>> MTIME=1397108361
>> SIZE=33554432
>> EOF
>> I find the first option would probably be easier. Would be nice to see
>> a better alternative, ie. the glance import method is quite nice.
>>> -jj-
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the glance storage domain supports easy upload of images and import of 
them as disks into the engine?

harder, but saves you the double copy:
you can also "inject" disks to an nfs storage domain, as long as you 
keep the format and add the metadata correctly, then you can use the 
rest api to 'register' them to the engine.

3.5 adds a GUI to import/register them, though you'd still need to 
inject them correctly (probably we should write a utility doing that for 
nfs domains).

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