[ovirt-users] [Users] Instructions to add a remote controlled power strip not in the native list?

Marek Grac mgrac at redhat.com
Wed Apr 16 04:57:36 EDT 2014

On 04/14/2014 06:31 PM, David Smith wrote:
> Wow really? You can't take work from outside your QA group despite 
> having confirmation of it working from a QA Professional who 
> implemented it and is currently using all the changes in his own lab?
> If this is an absolute must, I'm sure I can arrange to give someone 
> external access to one of these devices, but it won't be without 
> *additional* significant effort on my part.
> Let me know what I can do to help resolve this.
For upstream it is not a problem but for RHEL accepting it will mean 
that we will support this for X years (X > 10) for every customer.

I'm developer, so I'm not the one who decides what should be included - 
please use the official channel, so it will be read by right people.


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