[ovirt-users] Export domain. Same LUN but different NFS server : update SQL table?

Nicolas Ecarnot nicolas at ecarnot.net
Wed Apr 16 09:04:53 EDT 2014

Le 16/04/2014 11:35, Nicolas Ecarnot a écrit :
> Hi,
> Our NFS storage domain is stored as a LUN, and served via a NFS server.
> I have to change this NFS server, but I don't need to change the LUN.
> After setting this NFS export domain in maintenance and detached, is it
> safe to just update the database table "storage_server_connections" and
> restart the engine?
> Regards,
> PS : I read no answer to this :
> http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2014-March/022610.html


At present, I have two oVirt setups : oldest one in oVirt 3.3.0-4.el6 
which was used to create the NFS export domain, and one in oVirt 
I used to attach it in one Datacenter or the other, carefully putting it 
into maintenance mode, then gracefully detaching it, and it worked.

I had to change the NFS server that was serving this LUN, and I finally 
updated the database table in the 3.4 setup.
I was immediately able to play with it, attach/import/etc...

After detaching it, I tried the same from the 3.3.0 and it failed, with 
the engine log file below.
I tried to delete the line in the 3.3.0 database, and to import from 
scratch. The line gets correctly re-created, but the import fails the 
same way.

Has anyone an idea?

2014-04-16 14:56:03,878 INFO 
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand] (pool-6-thread-49) 
[7a31ca00] START, Atta
chStorageDomainVDSCommand( storagePoolId = 
5849b030-626e-47cb-ad90-3ce782d831b3, ignoreFailoverLimit = false, 
storageDomainId = a7c189dd-4980-49a
b-ad86-65a14235cbe4), log id: 62dfd8c8
2014-04-16 14:56:03,945 ERROR 
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand] (pool-6-thread-49) 
[7a31ca00] Failed in A
ttachStorageDomainVDS method
2014-04-16 14:56:03,973 ERROR 
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand] (pool-6-thread-49) 
[7a31ca00] Error code
AcquireLockFailure and error message IRSGenericException: 
IRSErrorException: Failed to AttachStorageDomainVDS, error = Cannot 
obtain lock: "id=a7
c189dd-4980-49ab-ad86-65a14235cbe4, rc=1, out=['error - lease file does 
not exist or is not writeable', 'usage: /usr/libexec/vdsm/spmprotect.sh C
OMMAND PARAMETERS', 'Commands:', '  start { sdUUID hostId 
renewal_interval_sec lease_path[:offset] lease_time_ms io_op_timeout_ms 
fail_retries }'
, 'Parameters:', '  sdUUID -                domain uuid', '  hostId - 
              host id in pool', '  renewal_interval_sec -  intervals for l
ease renewals attempts', '  lease_path -            path to lease 
file/volume', '  offset -                offset of lease within file', ' 
_time_ms -         time limit within which lease must be renewed (at 
least 2*renewal_interval_sec)', '  io_op_timeout_ms -      I/O operation tim
eout', '  fail_retries -          Maximal number of attempts to retry to 
renew the lease before fencing (<= lease_time_ms/renewal_interval_sec)']
, err=[]"
2014-04-16 14:56:03,977 ERROR 
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand] (pool-6-thread-49) 
[7a31ca00] Command Att
achStorageDomainVDS execution failed. Exception: 
IrsOperationFailedNoFailoverException: IRSGenericException: 
IRSErrorException: Failed to AttachS
torageDomainVDS, error = Cannot obtain lock: 
"id=a7c189dd-4980-49ab-ad86-65a14235cbe4, rc=1, out=['error - lease file 
does not exist or is not wr
iteable', 'usage: /usr/libexec/vdsm/spmprotect.sh COMMAND PARAMETERS', 
'Commands:', '  start { sdUUID hostId renewal_interval_sec lease_path[:off
set] lease_time_ms io_op_timeout_ms fail_retries }', 'Parameters:', ' 
sdUUID -                domain uuid', '  hostId -                host id i
n pool', '  renewal_interval_sec -  intervals for lease renewals 
attempts', '  lease_path -            path to lease file/volume', ' 
offset -
              offset of lease within file', '  lease_time_ms - 
time limit within which lease must be renewed (at least 2*renewal_interval_
sec)', '  io_op_timeout_ms -      I/O operation timeout', ' 
fail_retries -          Maximal number of attempts to retry to renew the 
lease befor
e fencing (<= lease_time_ms/renewal_interval_sec)'], err=[]"
2014-04-16 14:56:03,980 INFO 
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand] (pool-6-thread-49) 
[7a31ca00] FINISH, Att
achStorageDomainVDSCommand, log id: 62dfd8c8
2014-04-16 14:56:03,981 ERROR 
(pool-6-thread-49) [7a31ca00] Command org.ovir
t.engine.core.bll.storage.AttachStorageDomainToPoolCommand throw Vdc Bll 
exception. With error message VdcBLLException: org.ovirt.engine.core.vds
IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: Failed to 
AttachStorageDomainVDS, error = Cannot
obtain lock: "id=a7c189dd-4980-49ab-ad86-65a14235cbe4, rc=1, out=['error 
- lease file does not exist or is not writeable', 'usage: /usr/libexec/v
dsm/spmprotect.sh COMMAND PARAMETERS', 'Commands:', '  start { sdUUID 
hostId renewal_interval_sec lease_path[:offset] lease_time_ms io_op_timeout
_ms fail_retries }', 'Parameters:', '  sdUUID -                domain 
uuid', '  hostId -                host id in pool', '  renewal_interval_sec
  -  intervals for lease renewals attempts', '  lease_path - 
path to lease file/volume', '  offset -                offset of lease wit
hin file', '  lease_time_ms -         time limit within which lease must 
be renewed (at least 2*renewal_interval_sec)', '  io_op_timeout_ms -
   I/O operation timeout', '  fail_retries -          Maximal number of 
attempts to retry to renew the lease before fencing (<= lease_time_ms/rene
wal_interval_sec)'], err=[]" (Failed with VDSM error AcquireLockFailure 
and code 651)

Nicolas Ecarnot

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