[ovirt-users] off topic = newbie with bugzilla, gerrit and ovirt VDSM 4.14

ybronhei ybronhei at redhat.com
Wed Apr 16 12:30:42 EDT 2014

On 04/11/2014 06:24 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 04:06:48PM +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
>> On 04/10/2014 11:04 PM, Tamer Lima wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> I have now ovirt 3.4 with vdsm 4.14
>> danken - the bug you referenced is fixed in 3.3, yet recurs in 3.4?
> I have very little explanations.
> The bug was hidden by an ad-hoc patch, adding "4.13" to
> SupportedVDSMVersions. I hope that Yaniv, Yair or Eli have better
> knowledge about the real fix, of honoring vdsm's supportedENGINEs again.
Hey Tamer,

until patch [1] will be merge, you can do the following:
where your engine is installed connect as root
than, "su - postgres"
than run,
psql [your-table-name, the default is "engine" if you didn't change it]
(e.g "psql engine")
than run
" update vdc_options set option_value = '4.9,4.10,4.11,4.12,4.13,4.14'
where option_name = 'SupportedVDSMVersions' "

control+d to get out of psql

restart engine service, and try to activate the host again

this is a workaround to work with current implementation of validate the 
compatibility of the host to join the cluster. it adds vdsm 4.14 to the 
supported vdsm versions.

please reply with the results


>>> Well, my question is not exactly how to solve an specific problem.
>>>   In fact, what I want is learn how to apply the corrections proposed on
>>> bugzila, gerrit, etc.  Or this is only for ovirt internal developers ?
>>> thanks
>> we'll be happy if you try.
>> this would be the starting point. if anything is not clear, ask, and
>> we should probably add it there:
>> http://www.ovirt.org/Develop

Yaniv Bronhaim.

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