[ovirt-users] Ovirt snapshot failing on one VM

R P Herrold herrold at owlriver.com
Wed Apr 23 14:57:20 EDT 2014

On Wed, 23 Apr 2014, Steve Dainard wrote:

> I have other VM's with the same amount of snapshots without this problem.
> No conclusion jumping going on. More interested in what the best practice
> is for VM's that accumulate snapshots over time.

For some real world context, we seem to accumulate snapshots 
using our local approach, and are not that focused on, or 
attentive about removing them.  The 'highwater mark' of 39, on 
a machine that has been around since it was provisioned: 

[root at xxx backups]# ./count-snapshots.sh | sort -n | tail -3
38 vm_64099
38 vm_98036
39 vm_06359

Accumulating large numbers of snapshots seems more the 
function of pets, than ephemeral 'cattle'

I wrote the first paragraph without looking up the 'owners' of 
the images. As I dereference the VM id's, all of the top ten 
in that list turn out to be mailservers, radius servers, name 
servers, and such, where the business unit owners chose not 
(or neglect) to 'winnow' their herd.  There are no ephemeral 
use units in the top ten

-- Russ herrold

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