[ovirt-users] ovirt-ha notifications flood of ovirt-hosted-engine state transition GlobalMaintenance-GlobalMaintenance messages?

Jiri Moskovcak jmoskovc at redhat.com
Fri Aug 8 02:22:45 EDT 2014

On 08/07/2014 07:08 PM, Darrell Budic wrote:
> Why do the ha brokers send this message every 15 seconds? It isn’t really a state transition, and it’s a little excessive for a reminder that it’s in Global Maintenance. This is with centos 6.5 hosts.
> Any thing I can do on my side to get it to send just one for the initial transition into maintenance mode?

- unfortunately with the current code it's either a message every 15secs 
or never
- if you want to silence it, you can edit 
/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/agent-log.conf and change





>    -Darrell
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