[ovirt-users] ovirt3.5 - deep dive - foreman bare metal provisioning

Barak Azulay bazulay at redhat.com
Sun Aug 10 18:24:08 EDT 2014

The following is a new meeting request:

Subject: ovirt3.5 - deep dive - foreman bare metal provisioning 
Organizer: "Barak Azulay" <bazulay at redhat.com> 

Time: Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 5:00:00 PM - 5:30:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem
Invitees: users at ovirt.org; devel at ovirt.org; ybronhei at redhat.com; ovedo at redhat.com 


This session will introduce the integration with foreman bare metal provisioning with oVirt.

Details will be published soon.

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