[ovirt-users] Neutron Virtual Appliance in oVirt-engine feature

Moti Asayag masayag at redhat.com
Thu Aug 21 09:37:15 EDT 2014

Hi All,

I'd like to introduce the Neutron virtual appliance feature [1] in ovirt-engine 3.5.
The appliance is provided by the oVirt-image-repository which is configured by default
in ovirt-engine installation.

By using the appliance, the admin can skip the pain in installing and configuring OpenStack,
and enhance the appliance which contains the relevant OpenStack services to enable ovirt-neutron
integration features such as IP address management.

I've uploaded a demo to youtube [2] which takes the user step-by-step through that process.
Also the feature page describes the network topology, detailed instructions on how to utilize the
appliance and more.

Please reply with any issue or comment.

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Features/NeutronVirtualAppliance
[2] http://youtu.be/naLFSFwHI94


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