[ovirt-users] duplicate default cluster

Jorick Astrego j.astrego at netbulae.eu
Fri Aug 22 07:23:06 EDT 2014


Somehow I ended up with 2 "Default" clusters on 3.5rc1:

I checked the db but there is only 1 listed:

    select * from vds_groups;
                  vds_group_id             |  name   |
    description         |       cpu_name       | _create_date         
    |         _update_date
          |           storage_pool_id            |
    max_vds_memory_over_commit | compatibility_version |
    transparent_hugepages | migrate_on_error | virt_service | g
    luster_service | count_threads_as_cores | emulated_machine |
    trusted_service | tunnel_migration | cluster_policy_id          
    |    cluster_policy_cus
    tom_properties     | enable_balloon | free_text_comment |
    detect_emulated_machine | architecture | optimization_type |
    spice_proxy | ha_reservation | enable_k
    sm | serial_number_policy | custom_serial_number | optional_reason |
      00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000304 | Default | The default
    server cluster | Intel Nehalem Family | 2014-07-30
    10:30:41.438257+02 | 2014-08-13 11:07:45.9885
    4+02 | 00000002-0002-0002-0002-00000000017b |                       
    150 | 3.5                   | t                     |               
    2 | t            | t
                    | f                      | rhel6.5.0        |
    f               | f                |
    20d25257-b4bd-4589-92a6-c4c5c5d3fd1a | {
                        | t              |                   |
    f                       |            1 |                 1
    |             | t              | t
        |                      |                      | f |

    :   "CpuOverCommitDurat
    ionMinutes" : "2",

    :   "HighUtilization" :

    : }

    (1 row)

Anything else I can do to debug?

Kind regards,

Jorick Astrego
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