[ovirt-users] Hypervisor won't assign default gateway

Aslam, Usman Usman.Aslam at tufts.edu
Wed Dec 3 15:03:36 EST 2014

I've worked around this issue by

Flipping the DEFROUTE parameter on both vlans
Adding "net_persistence = ifcfg" to "/etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf"

I'm sure this isn't ideal but it works. If I update configuration using the web UI, it requires me to manually edit and flip the DEFROUTE argument again.

Is there a way to control how this flag is setup?


From: Aslam, Usman
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 12:44 PM
To: 'users at ovirt.org'
Subject: Hypervisor won't assign default gateway

I have a couple of bonded nics with two bridged vlans. Ovirtmgmt and Primary.
Primary vlan also  has a gateway setup (all using the ovirt UI). The gateway shows up in the ifcfg file and I've added it to /etc/sysconfig/network as well.

Problem: Upon a reboot the default gateway does not show up (route -n)

One thing did notice is that VDSM is inserting

DEFROUTE=no                  in ifcfg-primary
DEFROUTE=yes                 in ifcfg-ovirtmgmt

If is issue the "route add default gateway x.x.x.x" command, it starts working as expected and the default route also shows up (route -n)

Any ideas?

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