[ovirt-users] Migration from Proxmox 3.x to Ovirt

Myles Wakeham myles at edgeneering.com
Tue Dec 23 11:30:18 EST 2014

Nicolas writes: 

> I would be glad too to ear about the way to do a 'one step VM migration' 
> between two oVirt datacenters...

Hmmm...  Maybe I'm making an assumption here about a feature that doesn't exist.  In Proxmox, once you have defined a 'cluster' of hypervisors, and they achieve Quorum (e.g. they can all see each other), you can select a single HN (VM) and select to 'Migrate' to another hypervisor right from the web interface.  When you process it, it takes a snapshot of the HN and moves it to the target hypervisor, and then brings it up on the target.

Is that not possible with oVirt?


Myles Wakeham
Chief Technology Officer
Edgeneering LLC
Ph: +1-480-553-8940
Fax: +1-480-452-1979

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