[ovirt-users] Problem Upgrading 3.4.4 -> 3.5

InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter jg at internetx.com
Mon Dec 29 04:28:40 EST 2014

Hello both of you,

thanks for your detailed explainations and support, still thinking which
way i will go. tending to try the dirty way in a lab setup before to see
what happens.

Will post updates when i got more :)



>>>>>> It seems that somebody had deleted manually the constraint
>>>>>> fk_event_subscriber_event_notification_methods from your database
>>>>>> Therefor, the first line that attempts to drop this constraint in
>>>>>> 03_05_0050_event_notification_methods.sql:  ALTER TABLE event_subscriber
>>>>>> DROP CONSTRAINT fk_event_subscriber_event_notification_methods;
>>>>>> fails.
>>>>> uhm, interesting. could this be caused be deinstallation of dwh
>>>>> reporting?
>>> How exactly did you do that?
>> very good question, thats a few months ago. i whould guess with rpm -e
>> before an engine upgrade (if i remember correctly there was one ovirt
>> release where dwh was missing for el6).
>>> Note that partial cleanup is not supported yet [1].
>> checking right after that mail :)
>>> Can you please post all of /var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/* ?
>> sure, sending you the dl link in a private mail. since i am not sure if
>> i sed´ed out all "private" things
> Based on these logs, it seems to me that:
> 1. At some point you upgraded to a snapshot of master (then-3.4), installing
> ovirt-engine-3.4.0-0.12.master.20140228075627.el6.
> 2. This package had an older version of the script
> dbscripts/upgrade/03_04_0600_event_notification_methods.sql .
> 3. Therefore, when you now try to upgrade, engine-setup tries to run the
> newer version, and fails. Why? Because it keeps in the database the checksum
> of every upgrade script it runs, and does not run again scripts with same
> checksum. But in your case the checksums are different, so it does try that.
> It fails, because the older version already dropped the table event_notification_methods.
> How to fix this?
> First, note that upgrades between dev/beta/rc/etc versions is not supported.
> So the "official" answer is to remove everything and start from scratch. Or, if you
> have good backups of the latest 3.3 version you had, restore to that one and then
> upgrade to 3.4 and then 3.5.
> If you want to try and force an upgrade, you can do the following, but note that
> it might fail elsewhere, or even fail in some future upgrade:
> 1. Following a 'git log' of this file, it seems to me that the only change it
> went through between the version you installed and the one in final 3.4, is [1].
> It seems that the relevant part of this change can be done by you by running:
> ALTER TABLE event_subscriber ADD COLUMN notification_method CHARACTER VARYING(32) DEFAULT 'EMAIL' CHECK (notification_method IN ('EMAIL', 'SNMP_TRAP'));
> 2. After you do that, you can convince engine-setup that you already ran the
> version of the script you now have, by running:
> update schema_version set checksum='feabc7bc7bb7ff749f075be48538c92e' where version='03040600';
> Backup everything before you start.
> No guarantee. Use at your own risk.
> As I said, better remove everything and setup again clean or restore your
> latest backup of a supported version and upgrade from that one.
> Good luck. Please report back :-) Thanks,
> [1] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/25393

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