[Users] test day help -- console

Greg Sheremeta gshereme at redhat.com
Tue Feb 11 17:57:52 EST 2014

I'm having a tough time getting a VM console working via VNC. I set a VM to use VNC, and I installed virt-viewer.

1. When I try to open a .vv file with virt-viewer, I get an error "Cannot find guest domain /var/tmp/console.vv"
2. Using a VNC client to connect to the host with the password in the .vv file just immediately disconnects it -- no error message.
3. noVNC just gives me an empty popup with a gray background.

Any ideas?

Greg Sheremeta
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
Cell: 919-807-1086
gshereme at redhat.com

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