[Users] about live snapshot and qemu-kvm

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Thu Feb 20 10:53:36 EST 2014

On 02/20/2014 11:28 AM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-02-17 at 09:59 -0500, Douglas Schilling Landgraf wrote:
>> On 02/17/2014 02:00 AM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 14:42 -0500, Douglas Schilling Landgraf wrote:
>>>> On 01/01/2014 06:24 AM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 4:38 AM, R P Herrold  wrote:
>>>>>> Out of curiousity, _what_ build environment 'flags' do you
>>>>>> all, participating in this thread, refer to? -- the thread
>>>>>> does not enumerate them explicitly, and one cannot expect to
>>>>>> hit by 'indirect fire', a target not exposed
>>>>>> With best regards, this New Year's eve
>>>>> I'm far from being a programmer, but as I went to compare build
>>>>> environments, between
>>>>> qemu-kvm-rhev-
>>>>> and
>>>>> qemu-kvm-
>>>>> in related spec file I see
>>>>> [g.cecchi at tekkaman SPECS]$ diff qemu-kvm.spec.upstream qemu-kvm.spec.rhev
>>>>> 3c3
>>>>> < %define rhev 0
>>>>> ---
>>>>>> %define rhev 1
>>>>> 12928a12929
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rhel-6.5
>>>>> and apart other probably not trivial implications, such as guest agent
>>>>> part, I see that the "configure" command takes one extra argument in
>>>>> base RH EL 6.5, that is
>>>>> --disable-rhev-features
>>>>> The only patch file containing this keyword is
>>>>> kvm-Block-streaming-disable-for-RHEL.patch
>>>>> and inside it there are these lines that impacts configure options and
>>>>> related built qemu-kvm:
>>>>> --- a/configure
>>>>> +++ b/configure
>>>>> @@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ spice=""
>>>>>     smartcard=""
>>>>>     smartcard_nss=""
>>>>>     live_snapshots="yes"
>>>>> +block_stream="yes"
>>>>>     usb_redir=""
>>>>>     # OS specific
>>>>> @@ -686,10 +687,22 @@ for opt do
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>>       --enable-live-snapshots) live_snapshots="yes"
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>> +  --disable-block-stream) block_stream="no"
>>>>> +  ;;
>>>>> +  --enable-block-stream) block_stream="yes"
>>>>> +  ;;
>>>>>       --disable-usb-redir) usb_redir="no"
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>>       --enable-usb-redir) usb_redir="yes"
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>> +  --disable-rhev-features)
>>>>> +       live_snapshots="no";
>>>>> +       block_stream="no";
>>>>> +  ;;
>>>>> +  --enable-rhev-features)
>>>>> +       live_snapshots="yes";
>>>>> +       block_stream="yes";
>>>>> +  ;;
>>>>>       *) echo "ERROR: unknown option $opt"; show_help="yes"
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>>       esac
>>>>> @@ -863,8 +876,12 @@ echo "  --disable-smartcard-nss  disable
>>>>> smartcard nss support"
>>>>>     echo "  --enable-smartcard-nss   enable smartcard nss support"
>>>>>     echo "  --disable-live-snapshots disable live block device snapshot support"
>>>>>     echo "  --enable-live-snapshots  enable live block device snapshot support"
>>>>> +echo "  --disable-block-stream   disable block streaming support"
>>>>> +echo "  --enable-block-stream    enable block streaming support"
>>>>>     echo "  --disable-usb-redir      disable usb network redirection support"
>>>>>     echo "  --enable-usb-redir       enable usb network redirection support"
>>>>> +echo "  --disable-rhev-features  disable RHEV-only features"
>>>>> +echo "  --enable-rhev-features   enable RHEV-only features"
>>>>>     echo ""
>>>>>     echo "NOTE: The object files are built at the place where configure
>>>>> is launched"
>>>>>     exit 1
>>>>> @@ -2271,6 +2288,7 @@ echo "Trace backend     $trace_backend"
>>>>>     echo "spice support     $spice"
>>>>>     echo "nss used          $smartcard_nss"
>>>>>     echo "Live snapshots    $live_snapshots"
>>>>> +echo "Block streaming   $block_stream"
>>>>>     echo "xfsctl support    $xfs"
>>>>>     echo "usb net redir     $usb_redir"
>>>>> @@ -2526,6 +2544,10 @@ if test "$live_snapshots" = "yes" ; then
>>>>>       echo "CONFIG_LIVE_SNAPSHOTS=y" >> $config_host_mak
>>>>>     fi
>>>>> +if test "$block_stream" = "yes" ; then
>>>>> +  echo "CONFIG_BLOCK_STREAM=y" >> $config_host_mak
>>>>> +fi
>>>>> +
>>>>>     if test "$usb_redir" = "yes" ; then
>>>>>       echo "CONFIG_USB_REDIR=y" >> $config_host_mak
>>>>>     fi
>>>>> I don't think the rhev argument has instead implications in upstream
>>>>> source qemu-kvm-
>>>>> So I think that if you want to dig more and if you have more
>>>>> competences, you have to see the full spec file and the full patch
>>>>> above.
>>>>> Files downloaded here:
>>>>> upstream
>>>>> http://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/enterprise/6Server/en/os/SRPMS/qemu-kvm-
>>>>> rhev
>>>>> http://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/enterprise/6Server/en/RHEV/SRPMS/qemu-kvm-rhev-
>>>> Just for the record, we have setup a jenkins job to rebuild qemu-kvm for
>>>> el6 until we get it officially from centos:
>>>> http://jenkins.ovirt.org/view/Packaging/job/qemu-kvm-rhev_create_rpms_el6/
>>>> --
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Douglas
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>>> I think this calls for an oldschool question/statement;
>>> Who da man? ... You da man! :)
>>> Live snapshot now just works. Haven´t verified quiesce yet though, but
>>> looks good as far as the events in webadmin is concerned. Next to test
>>> is live disk migration.
>> Thanks a lot for the feedback :)
>> --
>> Cheers
>> Douglas
> Hey,
> have gone through the logs to verify quiescence and the only thing
> actually mentioning it comes from vdsm.log:
> Thread-127371::DEBUG::2014-02-19
> 14:54:15,612::BindingXMLRPC::977::vds::(wrapper) return vmSnapshot with
> {'status': {'message': 'Done', 'code': 0}, 'quiesce': False}
> What is it saying really? That quiescing failed, or that it was
> deliberately taken without it, or what?
> Nothing in qemu-ga.log either, even if changed to "--verbose". Like it
> never got any calls to quiesce in the first place. The guest does have
> the device[1] attached at least. The guest is CentOS-6.4 or 5, if that
> matters.
> [1]: /dev/virtio-ports/org.qemu.guest_agent.0

libvirt log?

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