[Users] ovirt-shell limited to first 100 elements

Amedeo Salvati amedeo at oscert.net
Wed Jan 15 07:13:22 EST 2014

Does anyone know if there are a possibility to increment list elements on ovirt-shell?

Because I'm trying to list disk on one storagedomain but it list me only first 100 elements.

e.g.:list disks storagedomains-identifier STORNAME | egrep '^name' > /root/disks-name-on-STORNAME.txt

p.s I faund on http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.ovirt.infra/3050 that for python api there is an option to pass to "list" function: api.vms.list(max=200) but I cannot find equivalent for ovirt-shell

Best regards

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