[Users] installation failed on cluster host

Madhav V Diwan mdiwan at diwanconsulting.com
Thu Jan 16 09:38:45 EST 2014

Just a thought
 whenever I get one of these "yum cannot download" messages i check my
network cards, default routes , and dns and /etc/resolv.conf  to make
sure its all working properly 
 Ovirt does mess with networking when installing .. so you should double
check these.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dafna Ron <dron at redhat.com>
Reply-to: dron at redhat.com
To: William Kwan <potatok at yahoo.com>
Cc: users at ovirt.org <users at ovirt.org>
Subject: Re: [Users] installation failed on cluster host
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 23:43:40 +0000

Hi William,

The issue you are having is a yum issue with Centos and not ovirt issue.
I found several posts on it by searching 'Cannot find a valid baseurl 
for repo: base' in google.


can you please look at the link and see if any of the forms were 
reporting anything like you describe with Yum?
If you do, can you also post it here so others encountering this yum 
issue on centos can use your workaround?

Just so you know, ovirt has a deployment log under 
/var/log/ovirt-engine/host-deploy/ so if a host installation fails, it 
should be reported there in a way which should be easy to debug.


On 01/14/2014 11:29 PM, William Kwan wrote:
> HI,
> Running through the whole installation exercises on two hosts again 
> with the latest release on CentOS6.5.
> I added a host to a new cluster.  There are "action items" listed 
> under the new host. One of them is
>       "Host installation failed. Fix installation issues and try to 
> Re-Install"
> I clicked Re-install, I monitor the engine.log and see the followings
>     Installation Yum [u'Errors were encountered while 
> downloading packages.', u'libselinux- 
> python-2.0.94-5.3.el6_4.1.x86_64: failure: 
> Packages/libselinux-python-2.0.94-5.3.el6_4.1.x86_64.rpm from base: 
> [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.']
> I'm sure I ran yum update already and I cleaned the db and rerun 
> update...etc.  Eventually I manually did `yum install vdsm.x86_64` on 
> the host.  Try to run re-install again and I still get yum error.
>    Yum Cannot queue package iproute: Cannot find a valid baseurl for 
> repo: base
> ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InstallerMessages] (VdsDeploy) 
> Installation Failed to execute stage 'Environment 
> packages setup': Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base
> iproute is sure installed.
> # rpm -qa|grep iproute
> iproute-2.6.32-31.el6.x86_64
> Something in ssh?  Password is sure correct, what could be wrong
> Will
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